Category Archives: Primary 5
Free School Meals Research Questionnaire
Identifying facilitators and barriers to the registration and uptake of free school meals in Midlothian’s primary schools’
* This project was commissioned by Midlothian Council (Communities Team) through NUS Dissertations for Good, including research to be conducted at a Midlothian primary school in one of the targeted areas and an online survey with parents of Midlothian’s Primary School children.
* The goal of this dissertation is to work with stakeholders such as pupils, parents, teachers, and head teachers to identify facilitators and barriers to the registration and uptake of FSM.
* This survey would contribute to the summary and recommendations which would support the increase in numbers of Midlothian parents registration for free school meals, so that schools receive the most appropriate amount of PEF possible
Summer Art Programme
GDPR – Information Asset Register and Privacy Notice
For full information please click on the below link,
WPS Child Protection Policy
Please click on the link below for full information.
Newsletter May
School Day Consultation
Please click on the link below to view parents views:
National Parent Forum of Scotland are looking for representatives from Midlothian
Please click on the below link for more information
National Parent Forum of Scotland Midlothian Rep wanted-1nubwjf