Our Visible Learning Market Place 10/06/2016

Thank you to everyone who supported our ‘Visible Learning’ Market Place this morning. Was so nice to see such a buzz about our children’s learning. If you didn’t make it along this morning you will get some information home in your child’s school bag.

Link to the Parents Booklet:Visible-Learning-Parents-Booklet

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Our Citizenship Gatherings

Our Citizenship Gatherings

Each week, we gather as a whole school to focus on a topical subject. During these sessions, we strive to build self-esteem and resilience within our pupils, with a view to improving our school ethos and the ‘learning and teaching’ of our children.

Our Citizenship Gathering Programme so far…..

Week  1 – ‘Our Rights’, ‘Our Charters’ & ‘A Quality Learner’

Week 2 – ‘The Brain’

Week 3 – ‘Mindsets’

Week 4 – ‘The Learning Pit’

Week 5 – ‘Making Mistakes’

Week 6 – ‘Meta-cognition’

Week 7– ‘Respecting others’ & ‘Being beautiful on the inside’

Class Teachers are involved in follow up activities and dialogue with the children to embed their learning further.

good citizen