Category Archives: Primary 2
P2 News & Activities
SUMMER FUN DAY 27th May 2017
Sport Day 2017 – please click on the link below for further information.
WPS Dress Down Day – Cancer Research
Button Box
Christmas Jumper Day 16th December
Norovirus advice and information from NHS Lothian
P1 and 2 Nativity Play CANCELLED
Due to an outbreak of Norovirus in the school the NHS have advised us to cancel our nativity play tomorrow (09/12/2016). We hope to be able to rearrange this.
Further advice will follow from the NHS regarding the outbreak.
Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 16th December 2016
Pennies for Pudsey 18th November 2016
Woodburn Primary School looks forward to collecting pennies for Pudsey on Friday 18th November 2016. Pupils are invited to bring in copper coins (1p and 2p pieces) to fill up our Pudsey outline. All money raised will be donated to the BBC Children In Need Appeal.
Pupils can dress down on this day, however we ask that no football tops are worn to school.